So I cannot believe that January has completely gone by! It has been a crazy and hectic few weeks for Matt and I, that is for sure!
We start our pre-marital counseling next Tuesday with Tim Beal the associate Pastor at our church, who will be marrying us. We had been attending a married and engaged bible study with our good friends Kyle and Alysha but that bible study was cancelled this last week so we are in the process of finding a day and time that works for us, we really enjoyed getting to know and spend time with people in the same life stage as us!
On to more EXCITING wedding stuff:
We went to the Lubbock Bridal Expo on January 16th and feel like we have found the cake people we want to do our cake, we have a meeting with them on Tuesday at 4:30 so hopefully that will work out! (They have the BEST prices in town, HOORAY)
We also won $50 off of invitations at a local place so we are hoping to go check them out this week and see what their prices/inventory compare to the original invitations we had picked online.
We registered at Bed Bath and Beyond 2 weekends ago and are SUPER excited with our selections, we are still planning on registering at Target in addition to this registry to give more options and get EVERYTHING we need for our new home together!
Lake Tahoe is going to be our Honeymoon spot! We have a wonderful week and half long vacation planned that includes a trip to Yosemite national park, a week in Tahoe and then a day or two in San Francisco so Matt can check out the Golden Gate Bridge and we can check out where the Giants play. (Would it be Matt's perfect honeymoon without baseball?)
I am SUPER pumped about my bridesmaids dresses, they are a classic look that I think everyone will enjoy wearing the day of the wedding! (Lets be for real NO one ever shortens it and wears it again :) )You can check them out at
Bridesmaid DressesThey will be in black and the girls will be carrying red flowers!!
Matt still has not decided on his tuxedos but I am not too concerned about that!
On a more personal note for Matt and I, here is what is going down in our lives BESIDES the wedding.
I started a teaching job at semester in Frenship ISD and I feel SOOOOO blessed to have this job but am finding it to be incredibly stressful to start at semester! I am blessed with wonderful kids who want to learn so I count myself lucky there!
Matt found out recently that his graduation has been postponed until Decemeber 2011. At first we were both disheartened but have really begun to see the positive in this change of plans! We will for sure be in Lubbock the first 6 months we are married and that is a HUGE answered prayer, we had both been very worried about Matt graduating, marriage and a big move all so close to each other so this will give us some time to get used to being married :)
I would very much appreciate prayers to continue to have a level head with the planning of the wedding, especially as we are getting closer to the big day and preparing for my move in to Matt's and the end of the school year in May!